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Neil Diamond - He Ain't Heavy... He's My Brother

The road is long 道路显得漫长
With many a winding turn 艰难险阻 弯弯曲曲
That leads us to who knows where 不知要把我们引领到何方
Who knows where 谁知道呢
But I'm strong 但是我一定要坚强
Strong enough to carry him 坚强地背负着他
He ain't heavy, he's my brother 他不重,他是我的兄弟

So on we go 那么我们上路吧

His welfare is of my concern 他的一切就是我的一切
No burden is he to bear 他不能再承受任何担子
We'll get there 我们一定会抵达那里

For I know 因为我知道
He would not encumber me 他不是我的负担
He ain't heavy, he's my brother 他不重,他是我兄弟

If I'm laden at all 如果说我有任何负担
I'm laden with sadness 我的负担充满了伤心
That everyone's heart 如果每个人的心
Isn't filled with the gladness 再也不愿意
Of love for one another 相互献出爱心

It's a long, long road 这是一条漫长的路
From which there is no return 这是一条没有回头的路
While we're on the way to there 我们已经上路
Why not share 为什么不分享你的爱

And the load 所有的担子
Doesn't weigh me down at all 不会把我压垮
He ain't heavy he's my brother 他不重,他是我兄弟

He's my brother 他是我兄弟啊
He ain't heavy, he's my brother 他不重,他是我兄弟
He Ain't Heavy He's My Brother.mp3 (, 下载次数:432)

mp3(2009/3/27 10:35:14 上传)

最后编辑KEN 最后编辑于 2009-03-27 14:26:06
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