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Mont Blanc pen To be a noble from private _1140 [复制链接]

To be a noble from private
selfish human nature . Whether noble or ignoble , people are selfish , but noble able to control their own selfish desires that point , but not to control it dirty !

As the saying goes , So there will be a righteous one thinks evil forces , one naturally thinks of corrupt officials , one that for understandable since the original despicable .

Road is our society really Moral Degeneration it? Mall intrigues , officialdom want to fight , neighbors of the cold indifference .... .

is to see Should be that is the real human nature, usually seemed to be preoccupied , are to safeguard their own interests in a big headache . A critical moment to move forward on the heroic , selfless , this should be the best proof of humanity shine ! Let us remember those who touched so many people instantly now,Mont Blanc pen! Although some of moving us painful , but this does not have to promote our growth: it allows us to understand the meaning of life , know how to value , learned to be strong , more importantly , we also learned to Thanksgiving , we have a pieces of gratitude ! Do not want to have a disaster , but still would like to thank everyone have a disaster so moved chance !

Let everyone make a noble point from private now!
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