谢谢各位的关注和回应。我看了amazon(us and uk)上对 tureck 两次WTC录音的众多评论,毫无疑问,喜欢50年代初录音的人更多. 对50年代初的录音,有评论说:Go to Gould for pianistic virtuosity and an ego that sometimes bruises phrases, other times lifts them to heights of expressive potential; to Fischer (on Naxos) for the personality, the character of each prelude and fugue; to Hewitt for dynamics of almost Lisztian vibrancy, and to Schiff if you want bland, generic vanilla Bach. But if you want your WTC to approach something of the spirtuality and depth of the Matthew Passion or the B-Minor Mass, go with Tureck.
我是一个保守主义者, 我喜欢坚实而稳定的声音,较慢的演奏速度,有节制的弹性速度和动态变化,所以我更喜欢50年代初tureck 的录音,它虽是单声道,有底
噪, 但织体丰满,有颗粒感,而BBC