"The low noise JFets in the Jasmine are a two-edged sword," he added. "They have lower noise than any tube, since they don't suffer from microphonics, and their noise is in nV (nanovolts). They have vanishingly low distortion, and almost all low ordered harmonic distortion at that. So, they don't sweeten the sound, at all. And there's almost no noise to cover up details. You'll hear some records become better, and others get worse, some annoyingly so. The best thing I can say is that it doesn't make all records sound the same (which I found to be absolutely true), so I think it is honest. I sell a very expensive tubed phono stage, and it makes everything sound sweeter and brighter than the Jasmine. Going back and forth, it's the Jasmine, at 1/6th the price, that's the honest one. However, I have friends and customers that like sweetener in their music. The customer is always right. It's their money."
评测文章里有上述这段文字,作者说他原来有台6倍于Jasmine LP3.0价格的胆唱放 (差不多6000美元,没说品牌),他认为Jasmine LP3.0表现的是真实的声音,而那台胆唱放是加了味精的, 他更喜欢Jasmine LP3.0的声音,出掉了胆唱放,留下了Jasmine.