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CODA NO.8立体声后级国外测评 [复制链接]


The $6,200 Coda No. 8 is very musical yet very detailed in ways that make me think that a fairer comparison would be my $13,5000 Pass Labs XA-60.8 monoblocks, which is a significant accolade for the Coda No. 8, as the Pass 60.8s are mean competitors costing far more money." - Terry London, Home Theater Review

“价值 6,200 美元的 Coda No. 8 非常具有音乐性,而且细节非常丰富,让我认为更公平的比较是我的价值 13,5000 美元的 Pass Labs XA-60.8 单声道后级,这对 Coda No. 8 来说是一个重大的荣誉,因为 通过 60.8s 意味着竞争对手的成本要高得多。” - 特里伦敦,家庭影院评论


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(2021/8/13 15:17:28 上传)


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(2021/8/13 15:17:28 上传)


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"Regardless of the volume levels at which I dared to play music, the No. 8 amplifier effortlessly released those powerful lower bass and subsonic frequencies through the twin 12-inch woofers of the Tekton Ulfberht speakers and pressurized my room to a degree that no other amplifier had done before."

"The Continuum No. 8 amplifier can deliver 150 amperes on dynamic peaks- this is one of the highest ratings of any amplifier on the market today."

无论我敢于播放音乐的音量开到多大,NO.8 放大器都可以通过 Tekton Ulfberht 扬声器的双 12 英寸低音扬声器毫不费力地释放出那强劲的低频和凌厉的动态,这是其他放大器不能做到的.

“Continuum 8 号放大器可以在动态峰值上提供 150 安培——这是当今市场上任何放大器的最高额定值之一。”


"Every time I've had the opportunity to hear Coda products, they always sounded terrific and are simply gorgeous. The No. 8 is an extremely attractive looking piece with its beautiful looking blue-lit twin meters and very handsome engraved chassis work. It delivers 150 watts into 8 ohms and 300 watts into 4 ohms. The first 18 watts of power is pure Class A."“每次我有机会听到Coda产品,它们总是听起来很棒,简直太棒了。8号是一款非常吸引人的后级,拥有漂亮的蓝光双表和非常漂亮的雕刻外壳。它将150瓦转换为8欧姆,300瓦转换为4欧姆。前18瓦的功率为纯A类。”

"The power supply takes a very direct approach to high performance. The current stage is capable of producing currents in excess of 100 peak amperes with a degree of linearity and speed that is not matched by other designs that produce only a fraction of this current. With such linearity and bandwidth, no overall feedback correction is used."

“电源采用非常直接的方法来实现高性能。电流级能够产生超过 100 安培的峰值电流,其线性度和速度是其他设计无法比拟的,这些设计仅产生该电流的一小部分。 有了这样的线性度和带宽,就不会使用整体反馈校正。”


"This is one fast and powerful amplifier, which I attribute to its unbelievable amount of current that it can quickly deliver on any transient to control the speaker and re-create the dynamics/power of live music. Even at dB levels that could be harmful to one's hearing, the No. 8 amplifier never left its pure class A rating based on the output meters' peak ratings."



"The Continuum No. 8's presentation of the spatial dimensions of this recording was remarkable, in that my listening space was replaced with the hall. My assumption is that it was able to deliver this musical experience regarding micro-details and spatial cues because of how quiet its noise floor sounded to my ears compared to many other amplifiers that I have had in my system. The specification cited by Coda is: More than-110 dB referenced to rated output. My ears tell me that this might be the quietest amplifier I have ever had in my system."

“N0.8对这段录音的空间维度的呈现非常出色,因为我的聆听空间被大厅所取代。我的假设是,它能够提供这种关于微观细节和空间线索的音乐体验,因为与我系统中的许多其他放大器相比,它的背景噪声对我的耳朵听起来是多么安静。Coda引用的规格是:额定输出超过-110 dB。我的耳朵告诉我,这可能是我系统中有过的最安静的放大器。”


"Because of this level of transparency, the smallest micro-details emerge, yet the overall mosaic of the music does not get deconstructed to the point where you lose the overall sense that the music is of one piece. I have had this experience when listening to some of the very costly mega-dollar amps from Swiss and German companies that are extremely transparent and are very hyper-detailed but sound like the music is under a microscope. With the Continuum No. 8, you hear everything, but unlike the aforementioned amplifiers, the Coda sounds more musical and presents no analytical characteristics to interfere with the flow of the music."

“因为这种透明度,最小的微观细节出现了,但并没有失去音乐整体感。我在听的时候有过这种体验 来自瑞士和德国公司的一些非常昂贵的百万美元放大器,它们非常透明,非常详细,但听起来就像显微镜下的音乐。使用 Continuum No. 8,您可以听到一切,但与上述不同 放大器,Coda 听起来更悦耳,并且没有干扰音乐的流动。”


"The overall signature of the Continuum No. 8 amplifier is silky smooth, with a total absence of grain that allows a pristine presentation of the different harmonics of instruments and voices."

“Continuum No. 8 放大器的整体特征如丝般顺滑,完全没有颗粒感,可以将乐器和人声的不同频段呈现出原始状态。”


"Based on price and having listening experience with both of them, the two amplifiers that would be natural competitors with the No. 8 amplifier are the Parasound Halo JC 5 amp, which retails for $5,995, and the Bryston 3B amplifier, which retails for $5,495. Both are high powered single chassis designs. For my tastes, both of these amplifiers are bested by the No. 8 amplifier in three key areas. The Parasound and the Bryston both sound grainy and dry compared to the more smooth and pristine presentation of the Coda amplifier. Both the Parasound and Bryston do not create the life-sized soundstaging and space provided by the Coda No. 8. Finally, even though both the Parasound Halo JC 5 and Bryston 3B have higher wattage ratings than the No. 8 amplifier at 4 ohms, neither have the iron-fist control of the bottom end frequencies or the explosive macro-dynamics of the Coda Continuum No. 8."

“基于价格和两者的聆听体验,与 8 号放大器自然竞争的两款放大器是 Parasound Halo JC 5 放大器,零售价为 5,995 美元,以及 Bryston 3B 放大器,零售价为 5,495 美元 . 两者都是高功率立体声设计。根据我的口味,这两款放大器在三个关键领域都被 8 号放大器击败。Parasound 和 Bryston 的声音都带有颗粒感和干涩感,相比之下Coda 放大器更流畅和更加自然 。Parasound 和 Bryston 都没有创造出 Coda No. 8 提供的真人大小的声场和空间。最后,即使 Parasound Halo JC 5 和 Bryston 3B 的额定功率都比 No. 8 放大器高 (4 欧姆),既没有对极低频频率的铁腕控制,也没有 Coda Continuum No. 8 的爆炸性宏观动态。”


"Priced at $4,900, the Pass Labs XA-25 sound is slightly warm while the Coda is smooth and silky in its overall presentation. Both are great. Both amps offer a liquidity and grainlessness that normally is only associated with tube-based amplification. The Coda No. 8 is very musical yet very detailed in ways that make me think that a fairer comparison would be my $13,5000 Pass Labs XA-60.8 monoblocks, which is a significant accolade for the Coda No. 8, as the Pass 60.8s are mean competitors costing far more money."

“售价 4,900 美元,Pass Labs XA-25 的声音略带温暖,而 Coda 的整体表现则柔滑如丝。两者都很棒。这两款放大器都提供了流动性和无颗粒感,这通常只与基于电子管的放大有关。 Coda No. 8 非常有音乐感,但细节方面也非常详细,让我觉得更公平的比较是我的 13,5000 美元 Pass Labs XA-60.8 单声道后级,这是对 Coda No. 8 的重大赞誉,作为 Pass 60.8s 要贵很多。”


"The Coda No. 8 provides world class performance in such areas as thunderous macro-dynamics, total control over bass frequencies, and a non-existent noise floor, which combined allow the smallest details in the music to be heard clearly and easily."

“Coda No. 8 在诸如雷鸣般的宏观动态、对低音频率的完全控制以及不存在的本底噪声等领域提供了世界一流的性能,这些结合在一起可以让音乐中的最小细节清晰而轻松地被听到。”


"The amp never becomes analytical or mechanical sounding. It provides an overall beautiful and silky-smooth musical sound as well as an effortless presentation no matter how complex or dynamic the music that you are playing. For what the amplifier brings to the table, I believe that the asking price of $6,200 is a pretty fantastic bargain in high-end audio world today. Consider the check written." - Terry London, Home Theater Review

“放大器永远不会变成解析或机械的声音。无论您演奏的音乐多么复杂,多大的动态,它都能轻松的呈现整体优美而柔滑的音乐声。对于放大器带来的影响,我 相信 6,200 美元的要价在当今的高端音频世界中是非常划算的。考虑一下写的支票。” - 特里伦敦,家庭影院评论

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