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为不喜欢Pet Shop Boys或没听过的朋友推荐一张 [复制链接]

我也不太喜欢Pet Shop Boys,听到外面播It's a sin都有点烦了。


第五首 Dreaming Of The Queen

Dreaming of the Queen
Visiting for tea
You and her and I
And Lady Di
The Queen said: "I'm aghast
Love never seems to last
However hard you try"
And Di replied
     That there are no more lovers left alive
     No one has survived
     So there are no more lovers left alive
     And that's why love has died
     Yes, it's true
     Look, it's happened to me and you
Then carriages arrived
We stood and said goodbye
Diana dried her eyes
And looked surprised
For I was in the nude
The old Queen disapproved
But people laughed and asked
For autographs
     And there were no more lovers left alive
     No one had survived
     So there were no more lovers left alive
     And that's why love had died
     Yes, it's true
     Look, it's happened to me and you
I woke up in a sweat
     For there were no more lovers left alive
     No one had survived
     So there were no more lovers left alive
     And that's why love had died
     Yes, it's true
     Look, it's happened to me and you
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