作者: 物水 waterman 啊 ?! (202.xxx.xxx.241)
日期: 2004-04-30 17:08
回覆文章: 234
CD一套五只, 售$200, 不作散賣
1. Fritz Kreisler with George Falkenstein, Bidduplh Records, LAB 019
2. Fritz Kreisler with Franz Rupp, Bidduplh Records, LAB 040
3. Mathias, Spahlinger, Extension, Hildegard, Kleeb, Dimitris, Polisoidis, made in Switzerland
4. The Rite of Spring & Petrouchhka, Igor Strivinsky, Oslo Philharmonic Irchestra, EMI 7243 5 698412 7, made in Holland
5. Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (月光小夜曲) K525, & Posthorn Serenade K320, WA Mozart, Telarc CD-80108, Made in USA
有意者可電郵小弟waterman_in_hk@hotmail.com [upload=jpg]uploadImages/200443017393914799.jpg[/upload]