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《TAS》是美国杂志The Absolute Sound的简称。从译意看,可以看出这一杂志注重的是“纯音响”或是“绝对音响”。对唱片的评价有HP点评(即总编Herry Pearson的评论);FD点评(主编Frank Doris的评论);还有AP点评和MP点评(该刊音乐评论家Aut her·S·Pteffer和Michael·A·Fox的评论)。TAS评出的唱片(由总编HP推荐)比较注重音响效果。可能该刊的评论家们认为,当录音、再生技术成为一项艺术的时候,音效所营造出来的感官享受是不容忽视的。因此TAS评出的唱片在录音方面往往有独到之处。一些注重音效和音效丰富多样的现代音乐在TAS榜上占有一定的优势。
1、John Adams, Harmonielehre (1985). Recording: DeWaart (Nonesuch 79115) Listen to the CD
2、Samuel Barber, Symphony No. 1 (1936). Recording: Zinman (Argo 436 288) Listen to the CD
3、Bela Bartok, Music for Strings, Percussion, and Celesta (1936). Recording: Karajan (Angel 35949/EMI 769242)
原编号无法查到用EMI CDM 566596 代替
4、Bela Bartok, Violin Concerto No. 2 (1938). Recording: Stern (Columbia MS 6002/Columbia 47511)
原编号无法查到用SONY SMK 64502代替
5、Bela Bartok, Concerto for Orchestra (1943). Recording: Reiner (RCA LSC 1934/RCA 61504) Listen to the CD
原编号无法查到用RCA 1641992代替
6、Alban Berg, Wozzeck (1922). Recording: Bohm (DG 2707 023/DG 435 705) Listen to the CD
7、Alban Berg, Violin Concerto (1935). Recording: Mutter (DG 437 093) Listen to the CD
8、Alban Berg, Lulu (1935). Recording: Dohnanyi (Decca OSA 13120/Decca 430 415)
9、Luciano Berio, Sinfonia (1968). Recording: Berio (Columbia MS 7268)*
10、Harrison Birtwistle, The Triumph of Time (1972). Recording: Boulez (Argo ZRG 790)*
11、Arthur Bliss, Music for Strings (1935). Recording: Rignold (Lyrita SRCS33)*
12、Ernest Bloch, Concerto Grosso No. 1 (1925). Recording: Hanson (Mercury SR 90223/Mercury 432 718) Listen to the CD
13、Pierre Boulez, Pli Selon Pli (1962). Recording: Boulez (Columbia M30296/Erato 98495) Listen to the CD
14、Benjamin Britten, Peter Grimes (1945). Recording: Britten (Decca OSA 1305/Decca 414 577) Listen to the CD
15、Benjamin Britten, Billy Budd (1951). Recording: Britten (Decca OSA 1390/Decca 417 428) Listen to the CD
16、Elliott Carter, Variations for Orchestra (1955). Recording: Levine (DG 431 698)
17、Aaron Copland, Appalachian Spring (1943). Recording: Bernstein (Columbia MS 6355/Sony SBK39443) Listen to the CD
原编号无法查到用Sony 37257代替
18、Aaron Copland, Symphony No. 3 (1946). Recording: Copland (Columbia M35113/Sony SM3K46559) Listen to the CD
19、Claude Debussy, Pelleas et Melisande (1902). Recording: Boulez (Columbia M3 30119/Sony SM3K47265) Listen to the CD
20、Claude Debussy, La Mer (1905). Recording: Karajan (DG 138923/DG 447 426) Listen to the CD
21、Claude Debussy, Jeux (1912). Recording: Boulez (DG 439 896) Listen to the CD
22、Henri Dutilleux, Cello Concerto (1970). Recording: Rostropovich (EMI 069-02687/EMI CDC7 49304) Listen to the CD
23、Edward Elgar, Symphony No. 2 (1911). Recording: Barbirolli (EMI ASD 610/EMI CDM7 64724) Listen to the CD
24、George Enescu, Third Suite for Orchestra (1937). Recording: Rozhestvensky (Chandos 9507) Listen to the CD
25、Gerald Finzi, Cello Concerto (1955). Recording: Ma (Lyrita SRCS112)*
26、Lukas Foss, Time Cycle (1960). Recording: Bernstein (Columbia MS 6280/Sony 63164) Listen to the CD
27、Roberto Gerhard, Violin Concerto (1943). Recording: Neaman (Argo ZRG 701)*
28、George Gershwin, Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in F (1925). Recording: Wild (RCA LSC 2586/RCA GD865 19) Listen to the CD
原编号无法查到用RCA 61727代替
29、John Harbison, Symphony No. 2 (1987). Recording: Blomstedt (Decca 433 376)
30、Roy Harris, Symphony No. 3 (1937). Recording: Bernstein (Columbia MS 6303/Sony 60594) Listen to the CD
31、Karl Amadeus Hartmann, Symphony No. 8 (1962). Recording: Kubelik (Wergo 60086/Wergo WER60 187-50) Listen to the CD
32、Robert Helps, Symphony No. 1 (1962). Recording: Rozsnyai (Columbia MS 6801/CRI 717) Listen to the CD
33、Hans Werner Henze, The Young Lord (1964). Recording: Dohnanyi (DG 138 257/DG 445 248)
原编号无法查到用DG 449 875代替
34、Paul Hindemith, Mathis der Maler Symphony (1934). Recording: Karajan (Angel 35949/EMI 764292) Listen to the CD
原编号无法查到用EMI CDC 66109代替
35、Paul Hindemith, Symphonic Metamorphosis on Themes of Carl Maria Von Weber (1943). Recording: Ormandy (EMI CDM5 65175) Listen to the CD
36、Gustav Holst, The Planets (1916). Recording: Mehta (London 452910) Listen to the CD
原编号无法查到用DECCA 452910 (2CD)代替
37、Arthur Honegger, Symphony No. 4 (1946). Recording: Munch (Erato 15554/Erato 45689) Listen to the CD
38、Andrew Imbrie, Violin Concerto (1954). Recording: Rozsnyai (Columbia MS 6597)*
39、Charles Ives, Symphony No. 4 (1928). Recording: Stokowski (Columbia MS 6775/CBS CD46726)
40、Leos Janacek, Slavonic Mass (1926). Recording: Kubelik (DG 138 954/DG 459 360)
原编号无法查到用DG 449 764代替
41、Leos Janacek, Sinfonietta (1926). Recording: Ancerl (Parliament 166/Supraphon 1929)
42、Leos Janacek, From The House of the Dead (1928). Recording: Neumann (Supraphon 10 2941)
43、Gyorgy Ligeti, The Grand Macabre (1978). Recording: Salonen (Sony 62312) Listen to the CD
44、Witold Lutoslawski, Concerto for Orchestra (1954). Recording: Kletzki (London CS 6665)* Listen to the CD
原编号无法查到用DECCA 448258(2cd)代替
45、Witold Lutoslawski, Symphony No. 3 (1983). Recording: Salonen (CBS 42203/Sony SK66280)
46、Gustav Mahler, Symphony No. 4 (1900). Recording: Klemperer (EMI ASD 2799/EMI CDM7 69667) Listen to the CD
原编号无法查到用EMI CDM 567035代替
47、Gustav Mahler, Symphony No. 9 (1909). Recording: Walter (Columbia M2S 676/Sony SM2K 64452) Listen to the CD
48、Gustav Mahler, Das Lied von der Erde (1911). Recording: Walter (Columbia/Sony SX 10K66246)
原编号无法查到用Sony 64455代替
49、Frank Martin, Concerto for Seven Wind Instruments (1949). Recording: Martinon (RCA LSC 2914)*
50、Frank Martin, Violin Concerto (1951). Recording: Cannin (New Albion NA86) Listen to the CD
51、Bohuslav Martinu, Violin Concerto No. 2 (1943). Recording: Suk (Supraphon 1101535/Supraphon 11 0701)
52、Nicholas Maw, Odyssey (1979). Recording: Rattle (EMI CD57 54277)
53、E. J. Moeran, Symphony in G Minor (1937). Recording: Boult (Lyrita SRCS70)*
54、Carl Nielsen, Symphony No. 5 (1922). Recording: Bernstein (Columbia MS 6414/Sony SMK47598) Listen to the CD
55、Carl Orff, Carmina Burana (1937). Recording: Jochum (DG 423 886) Listen to the CD
56、Arvo Part, Te Deum (1986). Recording: Kaljuste (ECM 439 162) Listen to the CD
57、Walter Piston, Symphony No. 2 (1943). Recording: Thomas (DG 2530 103/DG 429860)
原编号无法查到用DG 463 633代替
58、Francis Poulenc, The Dialogues of the Carmelites (1957). Recording: Crespin (Angel 3585/EMI 49331)
59、Sergei Prokofiev, Piano Concerto No. 3 (1927). Recording: Janis (Mercury SR90300/Mercury 434 333)
60、Sergei Prokofiev, Symphony No. 5 (1944). Recording: Martinon (RCA LSC 2272)* Listen to the CD
61、Sergei Prokofiev, Symphony No. 6 (1947). Recording: Leinsdorf (RCA LSC 2834)*
62、Giacomo Puccini, Turandot (1926). Recording: Mehta (Decca 443 204) Listen to the CD
原编号无法查到用decca 414274代替
63、Sergei Rachmaninoff, Symphony No. 2 (1907). Recording: Previn (EMI ASD 2889/EMI CMS7 64530) Listen to the CD
64、Sergei Rachmaninoff, Piano Concerto No. 4 (1934). Recording: Michelangeli (Angel 35549/EMI 749 236) Listen to the CD
原编号无法查到用EMI CDM 567238代替
65、Maurice Ravel, Sheherazade (1903). Recording: De Los Angeles (EMI CMS5 65061) Listen to the CD
66、Maurice Ravel, Daphnis et Chloe (1912). Recording: Munch (RCA LSC 1893/RCA 61846) Listen to the CD
67、Maurice Ravel, Concerto for Piano (Left-Hand) and Orchestra (1931). Recording: Fleischer (Sony SK47188)
68、George Rochberg, Symphony No. 2 (1956). Recording: Torkanowsky (Columbia MS 6379/CRI 768) Listen to the CD
69、Albert Roussel, Symphony No. 3 (1930). Recording: Dutoit (Erato 75282/Erato 88225) Listen to the CD
原编号无法查到用WEA 21090代替
70、Miklos Rozsa, Violin Concerto (1956). Recording: Heifetz (RCA LSC 2767/RCA 61778) Listen to the CD
原编号无法查到用RCA 61752代替
71、Carl Ruggles, Suntreader (1931). Recording: Rozsnyai (Columbia MS 6801)*
72、Arnold Schoenberg, Variations for Orchestra (1928). Recording: Karajan (DG 2530 627/DG 415 326) Listen to the CD
原编号无法查到用DG 457 760代替
73、Arnold Schoenberg, Moses und Aron (1932). Recording: Boulez (Columbia M233594/Sony 48456) Listen to the CD
74、Arnold Schoenberg, Violin Concerto (1936). Recording: Zeitlin (DG 2530 257/DG 431 740) Listen to the CD
75、William Schuman, Symphony No. 3 (1941). Recording: Bernstein (Columbia MS 6245/Sony 63163) Listen to the CD
76、Roger Sessions, Symphony No. 3 (1957). Recording: Buketoff (RCA LSC 3095/CRI 573) Listen to the CD
77、Dmitri Shostakovich, Symphony No. 1 (1925). Recording: Martinon (RCA LSC 2322)*
78、Dmitri Shostakovich,Symphony No. 5 (1937). Recording: Mitchell (RCA LSC 2261)*
79、Dmitri Shostakovich,Symphony No. 10 (1953). Recording: Karajan (DG 2862 0690)* Listen to the CD
原编号无法查到用DG 429 716代替
80、Jean Sibelius, Symphony No. 4 (1911). Recording: Karajan (DG 138 974/DG 415 108) Listen to the CD
原编号无法查到用DG 439 527代替
81、Jean Sibelius, Symphony No. 5 (1915). Recording: Gibson (RCA LSC 2405)* Listen to the CD
82、Jean Sibelius, Symphony No. 7 (1924). Recording: Karajan (DG 139 032/DG 439 527) Listen to the CD
83、Nikos Skalkottas, Largo Sinfonico (1944). Recording: Christodoulou (BIS 904) Listen to the CD
84、Richard Strauss, Salome (1905). Recording: Solti (Decca OSA 1218/Decca 414 414) Listen to the CD
85、Richard Strauss, Elektra (1909). Recording: Solti (Decca OSA 1269/Decca 417 345) Listen to the CD
86、Richard Strauss, Four Last Songs (1948). Recording: Schwarzkopf (Angel 36347/EMI 56241) Listen to the CD
原编号无法查到用EMI CDM 566908代替
87、Igor Stravinsky, The Rite of Spring (1913). Recording: Stravinsky (Columbia MS 6319/Sony SM3K 46291) Listen to the CD
原编号无法查到用SONY SMK 64085 代替
88、Igor Stravinsky, Symphonie of Psalms (1930). Recording: Stravinsky (Columbia MS 6548/Columbia 42434) Listen to the CD
89、Igor Stravinsky, Agon (1957). Recording: Stravinsky (Columbia MS 6022/Sony SM3K46292) Listen to the CD
原编号无法查到用SONY SX22K 46290代替
90、Michael Tippett, Symphony No. 2 (1958). Recording: Tippett (BBC Vol. III, No. 6)
91、Eduard Tubin, Symphony No. 4 (1943). Recording: Jarvi (BIS 227/BIS 227) Listen to the CD
92、Edgard Varese, Arcana (1927). Recording: Martinon (RCA LSC 2914)* Listen to the CD
93、Ralph Vaughan Williams, Symphony No. 5 (1943). Recording: Barbirolli (Angel 35152/EMI 565 110) Listen to the CD
94、Matthijs Vermeulen, Symphony No. 2 (1920). Recording: Vis (Donemus 8384/5)*
95、William Walton, Symphony No. 1 (1935). Recording: Previn (RCA LSC 2924/RCA 7830)
96、William Walton, Cello Concerto (1959). Recording: Piatigorsky (RCA LSC 2109/RCA 61498)
97、Anton von Webern, Passacaglia (1908). Recording: Karajan (DG 2711 014/DG 423 254) Listen to the CD
98、Anton von Webern, Five Orchestral Pieces (1913). Recording: Dorati (Mercury SR 90316/Mercury 432 006) Listen to the CD
99、Kurt Weill, The Threepenny Opera (1928). Recording: NY Shakespeare Festival (CBS PS34326)*
100、Alexander Zemlinsky, Lyric Symphony (1922). Recording: Sinopoli (DG 449 179) Listen to the CD