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国外古典音乐指南网站推荐的古典音乐及古典唱片10大名书 [复制链接]

1首先推荐一批精彩的音乐欣赏书籍。本人最近购买了一批,觉得很不错。每次购买超过25美元,邮寄费免费 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0192631888/ref=pd_luc_sim_01_03
2 10大古典音乐及古典唱片欣赏名书  请直接到网站看详细内容:http://www.classicalcdguide.com/main/books.htm
The Penguin Guide to Recorded Classical Music 2009
by Ivan March, Edward Greenfield, Robert Layton, and Paul Czajkowski, Penguin Books, 2008  
The Penguin Guide is the granddaddy of classical music CD guides. It contains hundreds of composers, both major and minor, and thousands of reviews of recordings. The Guide has dozens of reviews for all of the major works, which is a boon for the connoisseur but may make it difficult for the beginner to choose only one. To make things a little easier, the latest edition features not only the Guide's trademark "Rosettes," which indicate particularly special recordings, but also a list of "Key Recordings" that novices can use to start a collection. The Guide is essential for anyone looking to expand his or her collection beyond the basic repertiore.  


Similar works: NPR Guide, Insider's Guide, Gramophone Guide

The Lives of the Great Composers  

by Harold C. Schonberg; 3rd Edition, W. W. Norton & Co., 1997  


Harold Schonberg's Lives of the Great Composers is a great introduction to the forty or so men who have had the greatest influence on classical music. All of the major figures get a chapter on their lives and works. Taken as a whole, the book presents four hundred years of classical music history. Schonberg's style is vivid and compelling, and no musical expertise is required.  


Similar works: Top 10 CDs by Composer, Beethoven Biography

The NPR Guide to Building a Classical CD Collection  

by Ted Libbey; 2nd Edition, Workman Publishing, 1999  


This guidebook is aimed at the person who knows something about classical music and wants to expand his or her collection. It contains brief biographies of all the major composers, and detailed descriptions of the 350 most important works, with recommended recordings for each. The guide is indispensable for someone looking to move beyond the works featured on Classical CD Guide.com.  


Similar works: Penguin Guide, Insider's Guide, Gramophone Guide

A History of Western Music  

by J. Peter Burkholder, Donald J. Grout, and Claude V. Palisca; 7th Edition, W. W. Norton & Co., 2005  


This classic reference work is the standard university textbook for courses on the history of Western music. Beginning with Greek, Roman, and medieval music and continuing through the most recent developments in Europe and America, the book describes in detail each era of music history, including in-depth examinations of the most important composers' lives and works, explanations of developments in musical style, and summaries of external conditions such as wars and religious movements that influenced music. Novices most familiar with the Classical and Romantic eras may be disappointed that nearly half the book covers the period before 1750, but those who read it will discover that the early years were just as interesting as more recent times. The book does contain some musical examples and technical terminology, but the untrained reader won't miss much. In the new seventh edition, J. Peter Burkholder has updated Grout and Palisca's classic text, placing more emphasis on social and historical trends that have affected music history.  


Similar works: Top 10 CDs by Era


by Maynard Solomon; 2nd Edition, Schirmer Books, 2001  


Maynard Solomon's biography on Beethoven is the best recent biography of the composer and a first choice for anyone who doesn't feel like wading through Thayer's immense classic. In an elegant, readable style, Solomon takes many different angles on the composer -- historical, psychological, sociological, and musicological -- as he traces Beethoven's life and music. Reading this book will help both the trained scholar and the musical novice understand the great composer and his music.  


Similar works: Top 10 Beethoven CDs, The Lives of the Great Composers

The Insider's Guide to Classical Recordings  

by Jim Svejda; 6th Edition, Prima Lifestyles, 1999  


Jim Svejda's classical recording guide is subtitled "A highly opinionated, irreverent, and selective guide to what's good and what's not," and indeed the book lives up to this billing. Svejda has been broadcasting classical music on the radio for more than 25 years, and he has built up an impressive knowledge of recordings. While he never claims to be objective (e.g. "I have always had a blind spot when it comes to Vivaldi"), his reviews are hilarious and informative at the same time. Even if you don't agree with Svejda's recommendations, just reading the reviews gives the classical music lover a wealth of knowledge about composers, performers, and conductors. Sadly, the sixth edition has gone out of print, but there are plenty of used copies available to hold you over until the next edition arrives. (Note: if the sixth edition is available only at unreasonably high prices, the fifth edition might be a better bet.)  


Similar works: NPR Guide, Penguin Guide, Gramophone Guide

Opera 101: A Complete Guide to Learning and Loving Opera  

by Fred Plotkin; Hyperion, 1994  


Fred Plotkin's Opera 101 is the best beginner's guide to opera on the market today. The first three chapters offer an introduction to opera, including its history, terminology, and what you need to know to be an informed listener. In the remainder of the book, Plotkin takes the reader through eleven famous operas in detail, describing what to listen for in each. Though it helps to have a recording of each opera playing as you read the book, there is much to be gained even if you read in silence. Plotkin's style is both engaging and accessible.  


Similar works: Top 10 Opera CDs

The Gramophone Classical Music Guide 2009  

by James Jolly; Gramophone Publications, 2008  


The Gramophone guide falls somewhere between the Penguin Guide and the NPR Guide in the continuum of classical CD guides. It includes nearly as many composers as the Penguin Guide, but reviews fewer works for each composer and fewer recordings for each work. The reviews are helpful and clearly indicate which is the recommended recording for each work.  


Similar works: NPR Guide, Penguin Guide, Insider's Guide

Concerto Conversations

by Joseph Kerman; Harvard University Press, 1999  


Originally given as the Charles Eliot Norton Lectures at Harvard University in 1997-98, Joseph Kerman's six "conversations" range freely over the whole concerto repertoire, treating both the general and the particular. According to Kerman, concertos model human relationships, and his description of the stages of the concerto brings this metaphor to life. The best part of the book, however, is Kerman's detailed analyses of particular concertos (including Mozart's 20th Piano Concerto and Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto), which offer fresh insights into these memorable warhorses. The book also comes with a 69-minute CD of musical examples, especially appropriate from a man who believes that music appreciation should be "less talk and more music."  


Similar works: Top 10 Concertos

The Classical Style: Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven  

by Charles Rosen; 2nd Edition, W. W. Norton & Co., 1998  


Winner of the 1972 National Book Award, Charles Rosen's The Classical Style discusses the music of the three great composers of the Viennese Classical School: Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven. Written in an eminently readable style and filled with insight after insight, Rosen's book offers an excellent argument for why the music of these three composers has become the standard by which all subsequent music is judged. The one caveat for the beginner is that the book contains many musical examples, so the book hold far more meaning for those who can read musical notation.
最后编辑channelchina 最后编辑于 2009-01-28 12:55:54
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www.channelclassics.com (试听300多款录音片段)
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哈罗尔德 勋伯格的《伟大作曲家的生活》国内出版过的.....很有见地的一本书

原帖由 西洋乐迷 于 2009-1-28 15:33:00 发表
哈罗尔德 勋伯格的《伟大作曲家的生活》国内出版过的.....很有见地的一本书
没错 《纽约时报》著名的音乐评论人,写了很多书。他的乐评有不少精彩的。与他相提并论的另一位乐评(主要是钢琴)David Dubal的书也很棒,我很多年前买了他写的有关霍洛维茨的书。他有一本书好像也翻译成中文了,我记得没有注明原作者名,叫什么《键盘上的???》
www.channelclassics.com (试听300多款录音片段)
http://shop34588457.taobao.com/ (网上购买)

Der Zeit Ihre Kunst , Der Kunst Ihre Freiheit.
The art for the time , the freedom for the art.



另一本勋伯格的书是香港翻译的,THE GREAT PIANIST。极品好书。

Opera Classics Library  



EMT 982
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没错 《纽约时报》著名的音乐评论人,写了很多书。他的乐评有不少精彩的。与他相提并论的另一位乐评(主要是钢琴)David Dubal的书也很棒,我很多年前买了他写的有关霍洛维茨的书。他有一本书好像也翻译成中文了,我记得没有注明原作者名,叫什么《键盘上的???》

最后编辑burt5177 最后编辑于 2009-04-13 06:24:26

最后编辑burt5177 最后编辑于 2009-04-13 06:15:12

最后编辑burt5177 最后编辑于 2009-04-13 06:11:21

最后编辑burt5177 最后编辑于 2009-04-13 06:14:07

最后编辑burt5177 最后编辑于 2009-04-13 05:59:03

最后编辑burt5177 最后编辑于 2009-04-13 05:57:12

最后编辑burt5177 最后编辑于 2009-04-13 06:20:11

最后编辑burt5177 最后编辑于 2009-04-13 18:33:47



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