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关于蓝光光碟的解释(中文)(英文) [复制链接]

http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%97%8D%E5%85%89%E5%85%89%E7%A2%9F (中文介绍 很详细)
http://www.blu-raydisc.com/en/nlmp/Blu-rayGlobal.html (英文 BR官方网站 非常详细 一目了然 很遗憾这个网站上还没有中文)
BD vs. DVDJust as DVD meant a five to ten time increase in storage capacity compared to CD, Blu-ray Disc will increase DVD capacity by five to ten times. This is due, among other reasons, to the usage of a blue instead of a red laser and improved lens specifications, allowing for a much smaller focus laser beam which enables the recording of much smaller and higher density pits on the disc.

Due to the fact that the data layer on a Blu-ray Disc is placed much "closer" to the laser lens than in DVD (or even the HD-DVD proposal), there is less distortion resulting in significantly improved tolerances. Hence, more precision and ultra high storage densities are made possible.
As a result of Blu-ray Disc being manufactured as a single substrate disc comparable to CD, but unlike DVD (and the HD-DVD proposal), the manufacturing process does not involve the bonding of two substrates, resulting in less production material, a shorter production time and hence lower production costs per disc.

Blu-ray Disc has the same physical characteristics as DVD and CD, and like its predecessors, it also does not require a cartridge. This makes it possible to create Blu-ray Disc products that are backwards compatible with CD and DVD, allowing for a seamless transition to the new technology. Likewise, the technology is perfectly suitable for integration in small form factor equipment, like notebook computers.
最后编辑channelchina 最后编辑于 2008-12-30 00:55:46
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www.channelclassics.com (试听300多款录音片段)
http://shop34588457.taobao.com/ (网上购买)

[quote] 原帖由 sacdfun 于 2008-12-30 2:14:00 发表


打倒反动的学术权威!!!!...... [/quoteddd
最后编辑channelchina 最后编辑于 2009-01-12 18:12:53
www.channelclassics.com (试听300多款录音片段)
http://shop34588457.taobao.com/ (网上购买)
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