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德国DG唱片公司首次签约中国女钢琴家 [复制链接]

Debut Recording Sonatas and Etudes to be released Tuesday, February 17, 2009 in the U.S.

Deutsche Grammophon is pleased to announce the signing of an exclusive agreement with pianist Yuja Wang.

Yuja has already won widespread critical praise for her authority over the most complex technical demands of the keyboard repertoire, the depth of her musical insight, as well as her fresh interpretations and graceful, charismatic stage presence. This past season the Washington Post called her Kennedy Center recital debut “jaw-dropping” and following her San Francisco recital debut the San Francisco Chronicle added: “To listen to her in action is to re-examine whatever assumptions you may have had about how well the piano can actually be played.”

For Yuja Wang’s debut recording, titled Sonatas & Etudes, to be released on Tuesday, February 17 in the U.S., she presents a technically challenging, musically integrated programme of sonatas by Chopin (“Funeral March”), Liszt (in B minor), and Scriabin (no. 2) — plus two Etudes by Ligeti.

Reviewing her interpretation of the Liszt Sonata in recital, the Washington Post remarked “She is not a guide who looks over her shoulder to make sure you are following; rather, she plunges ahead with such eagerness that one races after her, not wanting to miss a step of such strong, clear, authoritative playing. She can play powerfully or with feathery softness; she has a whole spectrum of hues in her fingers; and she goes beyond mere dexterity in her remarkable understanding.”

Michael Lang, President of Deutsche Grammophon, said “After first hearing Yuja Wang in recitals — and then meeting this remarkable woman and learning that she is not only a fine artist but also will be a terrific spokesperson for the next generation of classical musicians, it was obvious that Deutsche Grammophon and Yuja would be a perfect match. And we are so pleased to welcome her into our family of artists.”

On signing the contract Yuja Wang remarked “I’m thrilled to be recording my debut album with Deutsche Grammophon and to be joining their roster of exclusive artists. I have always considered Deutsche Grammophon to be the most prestigious classical music record company, and it is not only an honour but my pleasure to record for them.”

Born in Beijing in 1987, Yuja began learning the piano at the age of six. She studied at Beijing’s Central Conservatory under Ling Yuan and Zhou Guangren — and gave her earliest public performances in China, Australia, and Germany. Following three summers at a Canadian-Chinese artistic and cultural exchange programme in Calgary, she moved there to study with Hung Kuan Chen and Tema Blackstone at the Mount Royal College Conservatory. In 2002, when Yuja was 15, she won the Aspen Music Festival’s concerto competition and moved to Philadelphia to study with Gary Graffman at the Curtis Institute, where she graduated in 2008. In 2006 Yuja received the prestigious Gilmore Young Artist Award.

In the few years since Yuja’s 2005 major concert-debut with Ottawa’s National Arts Centre Orchestra under Pinchas Zukerman, which prompted the Canadian press to declare: “A star is born”, she has performed with many of the world’s most prestigious orchestras, including those of Baltimore, Beijing, Boston, Chicago, Houston, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, St. Petersburg, Tokyo, and Zurich.

Yuja has already worked with such esteemed conductors as Charles Dutoit, Lorin Maazel, Robert Spano, Yuri Temirkanov, Michael Tilson Thomas, Osmo Vänskä, and David Zinman.

In the spring of 2008, she toured the US with the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields and Sir Neville Marriner. Yuja has given recitals in major cities throughout North America and abroad, is a dedicated performer of chamber music, and makes regular appearances at festivals including Aspen, Gilmore, Santa Fe Chamber Music, Schleswig-Holstein, and Verbier.

During the 2008/09 season Yuja gives her first performances with the Los Angeles Philharmonic, National Symphony, and Pittsburgh Symphony orchestras, all under Charles Dutoit. Also in Yuja’s schedule is her debut with the London Symphony Orchestra conducted by Michael Tilson Thomas and the Lucerne Festival Orchestra under Claudio Abbado. She will also make her London recital debut at the Queen Elizabeth Hall as well as giving recitals in St. Paul, Seattle, Paris, Prague, Munich, and Bergamo (Michelangeli Festival), among other international cities.

http://www.opus3artists.com/artists/yuja-wang 王羽佳是一位非常清纯活泼的女孩,给这帮德国人照成一个越南农妇的样子,气人!很奇怪,很多德国人对中国女性的审美特别变态,要么迷恋长相丑的,要么把美丽的中国女孩丑化了才喜欢。我几乎没有见到过哪个德国男人娶的中国女孩是长得漂亮的。网上这张照片根本和现实中的王羽佳是两个人,照片看上去比王羽佳的妈妈还老。
http://www.yujawang.com/ 王羽佳个人网站 (了解其音乐会排期和合作的乐团指挥)
祝贺呀,又有一位中国钢琴新秀在世界乐坛上冉冉升起。钢琴有好几位了,大提琴也有了,吉他有了,小提琴,尽管中国已经有4位帕格尼尼比赛第一名获奖者,签约大唱片公司的还没有。上海的黄梦拉应该不算,属于与DG的单项合作,基于地区性发行,我们在环球网站下的DG网上找得到他吗?很遗憾。这种合作方式在日本特别流行,日本有人为艺术家花钱做推广,中国嘛?就不说了。到日本,几大国际唱片公司推出的新秀debut recording几乎都是日本人,出了日本谁也不知道。
以下这张照片才是咱们美丽的中国小姑娘 钢琴家王羽佳的近照
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最后编辑古典音乐爱好者 最后编辑于 2009-01-19 12:34:38
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