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这是张什么碟,为什么这么贵!! [复制链接]


Bruch - Scottish Fantasia; Hindemith - Violin Concerto (1939), David Oistrakh (violin), London Symphony Orhcestra, Joscha Horenstein - Paul Hindemith

Label / Number  :  LONDON CS6337
Description  :   Made in England, ED1 Stereo FFSS (Full Frequency Stereophonic Sound), original first Red label with Silver lettering in deep grooved.  An audiophile recording gem and rare collector item.
Coding at dead wax : Side 1  ZAL-5677-1E "C" / Side 2 ZAL-5676-1E "U" (very interesting that both sides lable were wrongly pressed, e.g. Side 1 read Scottish Fantasia but actually was Hindemith; Side 2 read Hindemith Violin Concerto but actually was Scottish Fantasia)
Highly praised in Full Frequency Stereophonic Sound by Robert Moon and Michael Gray with the highest rating for 20.
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