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古典时代的音乐:海顿莫扎特贝多芬以外 [复制链接]


原帖由 shenming 于 2009-10-16 9:32:00 发表

据晚生看到的说法,音乐史上的古典时代可能始于1720-1730年间的那不勒斯,这一时代的曙光之中最为绚烂夺目的新星大概是Leonardo Vinci(1696-1730),如果认同Vinci等人创造的新风格是古典主义之源的话,那古典时代的起始年代不应晚于1730年,新格罗夫辞典所持即是此说,Vinci本传中有云:
Almost all of Vinci’s surviving music is in opera or opera-related genres and consists of an alternation of recitative and da capo aria. It was principally in his arias that Vinci forged the new style which can be regarded as the beginnings of Classicism. His early works derive their style from his immediate predecessors in Naples, notably Sarro and Porpora. The origins of the new style can be detected first in the surviving arias of his final commedie of 1722–3, in the additional arias of his first drammi (1723–4) and, on a somewhat broader scale, in his settings of Stampiglia from 1724–5. This suggests that the new style was developed first in comic opera and gradually introduced into heroic opera, with the comic elements in Stampiglia allowing for a more consistent development.
The new style was characterized by the periodic treatment of melody. Marmontel in his Essai sur les révolutions de la musique en France considered Vinci to be the originator of this new periodicity:
But the true moment of its glory was when Vinci first traced the circle of periodic song which in the pure elegant and polished design presented to the ear, as a period to the wit, the development of a thought completely rendered. Therefore this was when the great mystery of melody was revealed.
Whether or not Vinci was the first to trace ‘the circle of periodic song’, he was the first composer of international repute to cultivate the style consistently, to such an extent that it became associated with him and those who continued in this vein were regarded as his disciples.
Vinci’s periodic melody had its origins in the dance, and many of the arias in his early works are based on dances such as the minuet, passepied, bourée and gavotte. However, as F.-J. Chastellux pointed out, this new periodicity was not the static, dance-based periodicity of contemporary French music, but a new dynamic one that incorporated thematic development, almost like a fusion of traditional dance periodicity and Baroque Fortspinnung. This dynamic periodicity includes a third element, declamation. Not only is the theme generated from the opening line or couplet of the aria text, but each subsequent phrase is devoted to a line or couplet and delimited by a caesura or cadence. This poetically sensitive periodic melody is what Burney had in mind when he singled out Vinci for his ‘considerable revolution in the musical drama’:
Vinci seems to have been the first opera composer who … without degrading his art, rendered it the friend, though not the slave to poetry, by simplifying and polishing melody, and calling the attention of the audience chiefly to the voice-part, by disintangling it from fugue, complication, and laboured contrivance.
Burney’s reference to disentangling melody ‘from fugue, complication, and laboured contrivance’ refers to Vinci’s simple homophonic accompaniments, the other important element of the new style. The contrapuntal obbligato-style accompaniments of the late Baroque aria give way to accompaniments for four-part string orchestra which can be reinforced by oboes, horns or trumpets. The transparency of the accompaniment is further enhanced by doublings; during the ritornellos the violins play in unison, while in the vocal sections the violas double the basses at the octave and the first violins frequently double the voice. The most important aspect of this simplification is the increasing use of Trommelbass (steady repeated notes in the bass during periods of harmonic stasis). While this occurs sporadically in Vinci’s early operas, in his later ones it is used to a greater or lesser extent in almost all the arias. The device, a standard feature of the mid-century aria, undoubtedly contributed to the slowing of harmonic rhythm during the second half of the 18th century.


本主题由 版主 eric 于 2009/10/16 11:55:24 执行 设置精华/取消 操作
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最后编辑fetonte 最后编辑于 2009-10-17 12:08:12

Martin Vincent y Soler仿佛是维也纳Opera buffa的三大家之一啊,并不是像另一位Soler那样的民族性较强的作曲家,从音乐史的角度看,十八世纪的欧洲音乐有一个很重要的特点,国际性远大于民族性,这点与之前的十七世纪以及之后的十九世纪是有所不同的。

Una Cosa Rara(奇物记)在当年是与莫氏Figaro齐名的作品,剧作者同是达蓬特,Don Giovanni第二幕石宴场景开头处引用了三段“时下”流行小曲,其一便出自Una Cosa Rara。



最后编辑fetonte 最后编辑于 2009-10-18 13:49:55

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