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丹拿扬声器用家专栏(二) [复制链接]


"高频有点过亮,有待通过线材调教能改进,至于低频沉得不够深...." Ther are few problems with your system:

1. You need replace the 新德克金银
合金电源线 to get more base. You can't expect a good sound by using a  pair "喇叭线:网友DIY".....
2. The MBL7008合并机 can't support your 25周年, these speakers
need atleast 200W power to drive them. It's likes my C3, onec it got the
power they will like a fuul range speakers.
3. 脚架 is the last issue, you can hold it until you solved the above issues.
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