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来八一八那些唱片公司的源起~~ [复制链接]


Well, here's the reason why BIS was started at all.  I thought my then  wife, Gunilla, was good enough a flautist, to be able to make a record.   So I wrote to everyone, and received no answer.  So I made a master  tape, wrote again, and now actually received answers, all but one  negative:  unknown artist, classical music, and - horror - partly modern  music.  The one that took it demanded:  free master tape, we pay the  photos, we write and translate the text, pay the mastering, and buy 500  copies at street price and - we could forget about royalties.  The LP  sold really well, and Gunilla was established.  When the company asked  for another LP, I said that this time I would go it myself, and BIS was  started.  This LP became one of the extremely few LP:s that sold over  50'000 copies in Sweden (it is now at 110'000 in its different formats)  and, while no way near as good as Sharon Bezaly's records, is really  nice nevertheless.  Nice repertoire for a nice evening with someone you  like and a glass of something you like. RvB


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